A Quest
03 1999
I have no name. I have no title.
For I am just a Knight that is on a quest.
You ask, "What O'Knight are thee in quest of.
I tell thou of the quest that I be on.
I be on a quest to search throughout the land
For that which was once found and now is lost.
I ask all that I come upon if they hath seen that which is lost.
But they all say "Nay", for they knoweth not what the quest is for.
For even I knoweth not what the quest is for.
My Love for Thee
03 1999
My love for thee
fair maiden
Of this mystical place does grow.
I know not what this place be.
I came from afar on a quest you see.
I did not find what I was in quest of.
Instead I found thee.
A most fair maiden in a mystic realm.
I would give my life for thee fair maiden.
For I am but a humble Knight Whose duty it is to serve thee.
Whither thou goest thy Knight shall
Follow and protect thee.
Fair Maiden
03/06/ 1999
Oh fair maiden of the night.
I come to you on wings of angels.
Quickly they bring me to you while you slumber.
For only when you slumber can the angels bring me to you.
Why is our time together so short my love?
I knowest not my love why our time together is so short.
If only we could stop time my love.
Then we could spend eternity together.
I love no other as much as I do you.
For there can be no other for your humble Knight's pleasure.
To do for you as you so desire. Oh fair maiden of the night.
I come to thee on wings of angels.
Soon M'Lady, so
soon thy wish shall come true.
To gaze upon thy Knight's eyes. To hold him gently in thy arms.
Soon M'Lady, so soon thy wish shall come true.
Thy Knight shall mount his white charger and ride to thee.
The devil's own shall stay this Knight from his quest for thee.
When thy Knight meets thee for the first,
The heavens above will brighten,
And the angels on high will sing of our love and joy.
For M'Lady, so soon thy wish shall come true.
Who Roams the Hall
Who roams the halls of my keep in
the darkness?
She passes by a window and I see.
A delicate flower illumed by the moon.
She knows not that I follow her on her journey.
She pauses at a door. Reaching out,
she touches the panels there.
Gently she opens the door with nary a sound.
(I must oil the hinges. But wait I know this door.)
Softly she enters the room and casts about.
Her Knight, who lays there in fretful slumber,
Tossing to and frow.
Softly, gently she slips beneath the covers.
And gently suckles her Knight.
Slowly she slips her arm beneath his head.
To cradle him there through out the night.
To Arms
To arms, to arms
the cry rings out.
Thy Knight answers the call.
To battle thy Knight does go.
To defend his Lady fair's honor and her lands.
M'Lady to battle I go for thee.
For tis my lot in life to do battle for thee.
I wear thy colours that thee gave to me in honor.
M'Lady does do honor to her Knight with her colours.
My life I would give up for thee M'Lady.
Off I Go
Aye tis true what they say.
I must prepare my sword.
For off to battle I go.
As thy Knight approaches yon battlefield,
His nostrils are filled with the stench of death.
Deftly he plunges into the midst of the confrontation.
Sword whirling about, making dull thudding sounds
As it connects with armor then flesh.
Sword whirling, thudding, hacking.
Till finally all but one be slain.
Thy Knight doth approaches the last participant
Only to see he no longer holds his sword.
With a whirling of his sword thy Knight falls to the ground.