of Ladyshadow
Blanket of Love
I awaken in the morning with you infiltrating my thoughts.
My mind sleeps with the dream of our interaction.
Your image infiltrates not only my thoughts, but my very psyche.
I see a fleeting glance of you across a crowded room.
My heart skips a beat as your voice travels about the waves
on interactive vibes in passing moments as I walk down the street.
I'm mesmerized with the thoughts of you and how wonderfully peaceful that
makes me feel.
I'm free within the bounds of your absolute control.
I cannot think or interact without the name of my Knight on my lips.
Whispering his desires and my imeadiate response to you.
You who have caputered my very thoughts and mingled them with my very breathing.
One breath upon another, only yo discover it is your breath I am breathing.
To My Knight
vjm © 2/25/2001
She whispers in the shadows of her castle tower.
Waiting anxiously for her Knight.
Visualizing his constant quest to protect her from all harm.
She seeks the shelter of his warm embraces and
tender kisses to soothe the worries of each new day.
She sees him from a distance.
Her heart happy to know he too is unharmed.
Even from the fighting of the dragons of the night.
He appraoches the castle and the drawbridge opens.
He enters the courtyard.
Scenes such as this encourage her heart.
Knowing that it is worth it all.
To have her Knight home at last.
Knight in Rusty Armor
Vjm © 5/28/2000
M'Lady wandering hallowed halls of time.
Drifts past the scattered dreams of rhyme.
Seeking in a vigil constant.
The aspirations of one's desires spent.
She is there still wandering the mighty halls.
Regardless of the passage of time and falls.
Her footsteps stepping in remembered stance.
As one recalls an ageless dance.
Her heart is seeking solace sublime.
Having weathered the storms of time.
Her silk gown drifting on steps of stone.
Her wanderlust seeking a home.
A lamb at times, among old clenches.
She wonders about her lost days.
Yet in her heart, she is very aware.
In her need, her Knight is there.
Ever attentive with thoughts of concern.
Thrusting dragons at every turn.
She smiles in gentle repose.
In her hair planting a rose.
With dreams of romance of days gone by.
She whispers a soft billowing sigh.
And yet she is not alone.
Her heart ever seeking to find its home.
He, Knight in rusty armor, sword akilt.
Protects his lady in shattered silks.